
Is video of women dancing the 'sex tape' that got Kim Jong-un's ex-girlfriend executed?

Is this video of three Korean women dancing in leotards to Western music the 'sex tape' that got Kim Jong-un's ex-girlfriend executed?

  • Video of dance trio reported to be 'sex tape' by some Chinese media
  • Shows three women dancing to Elvis's Aloha Oe on stage
  • Hyon Song-wol executed amid claims she appeared in pornograhic videos
  • A dozen musicians were apparently executed in public by machine gun


A video of three Korean women dancing in leotards is rumoured to be the 'sex tape' Kim Jong-Un used to justify the execution of his ex-girlfriend.

The seemingly innocuous clip shows the trio dancing to a version of Elvis' Aloha Oe in cowboy hats and tasselled skirts.

However reports from China - North Korea's only ally - that it was this video that led to the execution of Hyon Song-wol and 11 other entertainers.

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This video of three Korean women dancing is rumoured to be the 'sex tape'

This video of three Korean women dancing is rumoured to be the 'sex tape' used to justify the execution of Kim Jong-Un's ex-girlfriend Hyon Song-wol and 11 other entertainers

Chinese media identified this dancer as Hyon but reports are almost impossible to verify

Chinese media identified this dancer as Hyon but reports are almost impossible to verify

Hyon and Kim knew each other as teenagers then had an affair when he was leader

Hyon and Kim knew each other as teenagers then had an affair when he was leader

A South Korean newspaper reported last week that Hyon had been killed by machine gun fire amid claims that she had been appearing in pornographic videos.

Twelve singers, musicians and dancers from two pop groups are said to have been executed on August 20.


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It was reported that they were accused of making videos of themselves performing sex acts and then selling the recordings.

Some of the musicians were also reported to have had Bibles, which are banned in North Korea, when they were detained and all were treated as political dissidents.

The isolated and secretive state has not commented and reports are almost impossible to verify.

A user on China's video-sharing website YouKu uploaded the video of the dancing trio and said it was the supposed 'sex tape', reported The Daily Dot.

The video has been watched 700,000 times.

    Kim Jong-Un¿s ex-girlfriend, Hyon Song-Wol, was recently seen delivering a speech at a national art workers rally on national television, despite rumours she had been executed

Kim Jong-Un¿s ex-girlfriend, Hyon Song-Wol, was recently seen delivering a speech at a national art workers rally on national television, despite rumours she had been executed

The singer was reported by South Korean newspapers to have been brutally executed by machine gun on August 20 from order's directly from the South Korean leader (pictured above with his wife)

The singer was reported by South Korean newspapers to have been brutally executed by machine gun on August 20 from order's directly from the South Korean leader (pictured above with his wife)

China's chnqiang news website said one of the dancers was Hyon.

Because Kim’s wife, Ri Sol-ju,  was once a member of the same group as the executed singer, North Korea analysts suggested that she might have given her consent to the execution.

Fuelling the speculation, there have been rumours that her husband was still seeing Hyon.

Without facing trial Hyon, said to be 28, and other members of North Korea’s most famous pop groups were marched in front of a firing squad and gunned down while their families and other members of the groups were ordered to watch.

The victims’ families and friends were then taken away to a labour camp, having been found ‘guilty  by association’.

Married: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un with Ri Sol-ju, the woman state media have confirmed is his wife

Kim with his wife Ri Sol-ju, who apparently played alongside Hyon in the Unhasu Orchestra

North Korea has very little contact with the outside world and it is unlikely that the reason for the execution will ever be confirmed.

But Professor Toshimitsu Shigemura, a Japanese expert on Korean affairs, said it was ‘simply not believable’ the entertainers were executed for making pornography, as they could simply have been made to ‘disappear’ in the prison system. He said: ‘As Kim’s wife once belonged to the same group, it is possible that these executions are more about Kim’s wife.’

Kim, 30, who succeeded his late father as supreme leader of North Korea in 2011, met Hyon ten years ago when he returned from studying in Switzerland. However, his father, Kim Jong-il, disapproved of the relationship and ordered the friendship to end.

Hyon went on to marry an officer in the North Korean military and is believed to have had a baby.

But rumours circulated that Kim was still secretly seeing her, which might account for reports that he was seen with a mystery woman in the months before his marriage to Ri, which was disclosed last  July. Ri and Kim are said to have a baby daughter.

Hyon was rumoured to have been accused of featuring in a pornographic film alongside dozens of singers and dancers

Hyon was rumoured to have been accused of featuring in a pornographic film alongside dozens of singers and dancers

Such is the secrecy surrounding Kim’s life it was initially reported that Ri was the singer who performed a series of bizarrely titled patriotic songs that had, apparently, stirred the nation.

However, it was really Hyon who had recorded Footsteps of Soldiers, I Love Pyongyang, She is a Discharged Soldier and We are Troops of the Party.

Ri was also given credit for Excellent Horse-Like Lady – also known as A Girl in the Saddle of a Steed – another of Hyon’s songs.

Kim has already displayed the ruthlessness that has made his family the world’s only communist dynasty, beginning with grandfather Kim Il-sung at the end of the Korean War in 1953.

He is said to have purged his stepmother from her position as a senior official in the ruling party to show his absolute power and had a minister executed by mortar round for showing disrespect by drinking during the official mourning period after Kim Jong-il’s death.


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-05-15