
Lisa Sriken Reveals Why She's 'Thrilled' 'Jeopardy!' Win Streak Ended

As countless Jeopardy! fans mourn the conclusion of Lisa Sriken's brief stint as reigning champ, the erstwhile lawyer has admitted that she's "absolutely thrilled" to have made her exit when she did.

While she certainly proved to be a formidable force when facing off against her opponents, Sriken's two-day win streak was dominated by the laughs she sparked through her deadpan delivery, animated facial expressions and comedic anecdotes.

Expressing a desire to embark on a career as an NFL quarterback after quitting her job at a law firm—and telling all about placing third in a Hall & Oates music video competition—Sriken brought more to the game than just the required intellect.

But in an interview with Newsweek, the New Yorker has defiantly declared with an air of veni, vidi, vici that her work on Jeopardy! was basically done from day one. And, interestingly, her anecdotes and wardrobe are major reasons for this elation.

"Being there and having to come up with anecdotes was really—and I said this to [production team]—in the end, it was excruciating," she told Newsweek. "That was the hard part. It wasn't a trivia part. I knew the trivia, but that was difficult.

"If I was allowed to forfeit day two, I would have, because I was so pleased with day one. I got a fun response from the audience and I won. And if I could have forfeited day two, I would have, but I went on to day two. If I could have forfeited day three [I would have], because day two went super amazing for me, I felt.

"I was thrilled. Everybody kind of came to me with this sad response of like, 'Oh, you had a great run.' But I'm absolutely thrilled that I didn't have to go back on stage for a third time."

'Learn About Stuff That I Find Really Boring'

There was also the issue of a potential ensemble that failed to get sartorially savvy Sriken's seal of approval had she proved victorious for a third game.

"The final outfit that I had with me, they were going to make me put a blazer on it, which would have ruined it," she explained in a joking-but-I-mean-it tone. "I was like, 'Eww, I don't want to do that!'"

Then there's the need to read up and study on a broader range of subjects, beyond the ones she had already enjoyed studying in preparation for the game.

"As far as I got, that was just on loving reading, and loving to learn," she explained. "And I got as far as it did, just because I read about things that I found interesting. And getting any further would require me to actually learn to have to do math, which clearly I'm not great at because there was a math error on one of my [wagers].

"And also, going further would require me to learn about stuff that I find really boring. And I don't particularly want to do that. So I'm really pleased with the two wins."

What subjects would she have struggled studying up on? "The Bible is a big thing for me, which is strange, because I did go to religion classes as a kid. But I think my brain rejects it, because I've tried a few times, and I just never absorbed [it]. Military history, U.S. presidents in order, I think these are things that I would have to hone in on and no interest, really.

"I mean, yeah, I'm happy with that how I did. I was thrilled. And I had a couple of friends who came to L.A. with me, and were there to celebrate with me in the audience, so I was really happy."

'It's Just Nonsense'

Having watched Jeopardy! regularly since childhood (when she would "wipe the floor" with the relatives she competed against), Sriken surely had to know that her style of storytelling during the show's interview segments greatly bucked tradition. That, she explained, was all part of a strategy.

"I'm extremely private," she said. "And these [anecdotes], I thought, gave you some insight into my personality, but tell you absolutely nothing about me on a personal level. So I appreciated that, you know, it's not talking about my family, or like my deepest hopes and dreams and fears. It's just nonsense.

"So I was like, Okay, let me just put this out there and connect with people if people think this is truly stupid, which people did, who cares?"

While host Ken Jennings had the pleasure of listening to Sriken's storytelling in person, the onetime contestant admitted that she'd have delivered even spicier responses had late presenter Alex Trebek still been at the helm.

"I kind of always felt like I would be on the show at some point... I would joke that once I finally got on Jeopardy! I would say to Alex, when we get to the interview question, 'pass,' or I would say, 'Alex, I'm not here to make friends.' Or I would say, 'That's none of your business.'"

The laughs continued behind the scenes as Sriken shot her episodes on the famed Los Angeles soundstage in January. She presented tongue-in-cheek requests to the "amazing" production crew, like being served beta blockers ahead of taping and getting her own walk-on music. Spoiler: her requests were denied.

Given the length of her hot streak, Sriken did not qualify for the Tournament of Champions, the participants of which have commonly won four or more consecutive games. However, she could return to the fold via the recently announced Champions Wildcard, the winner of which could then vie for ToC glory.

The prospect of this does not thrill Sriken, who told Newsweek: "Like, do I want to be in a tournament, just to get to another tournament that I'm going to lose? So I don't know if I'd want to be in a tournament that I'd definitely lose. But who knows?"

"Well, I'd have to do a cost-benefit analysis if I've gotten any other projects on the ground," she continued. "Do I have money coming in? How much do I want to learn math and the Bible and the periodic table of elements?

"So I would not I would not say never, but I would have to assess that. I guess it's funny to be part of the Jeopardy! cinematic universe now as one of the superheroes."

'Standup Comedian Never Occurred to Me'

Sriken walked away from the show with $26,800 in winnings, a chunk of which she "pre-spent" on a trip to Thailand with friends—and a visit to "one of those fancy sushi places in West Hollywood."

While she may not become an NFL player anytime soon, Sriken really did quit as a lawyer in November after 18 years in her career. And, after the feedback she has received regarding her Jeopardy! stint, comedy could well be in her future.

"Just working in law and feeling like decorum is kind of required, I thought, 'Okay, that feels uncomfortable for me. And I don't really want to do that anymore.'

"But I actually have thought about comedy. So in the in the run-up to getting the call to actually be on the show I thought about comedy, or comedy writing. I have some podcast ideas. I've have some writing ideas, hosting ideas. But actually, standup comedian never occurred to me, and I've seen that, people suggesting that for me."

Expressing disbelief at such suggestions, she added: "Did I look like I was cool and composed when I was on stage at Jeopardy!? I don't think so!"

Sriken teased that some of her standup material could end up being drawn from the stories she didn't get around to telling once her Jeopardy! run had been cut short.

"I felt like the anecdote quality was dropping off," she quipped. "And you've got to leave the crowd wanting more. So I did not think that I wanted to share any any other anecdotes... But then I thought of new ones, which maybe I will work into my future [standup] routine.

"Hopefully, I will have the opportunity to make jokes elsewhere. We will see."

Uncommon Knowledge

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Martina Birk

Update: 2024-09-19