
Trump Adviser Stephen Miller Returns to TV Without Fake Hair for Another Bizarre Interview

Stephen Miller appeared on CNN Thursday night to defend U.S. foreign policy, President Donald Trump's border wall, and a looming government shutdown.

The presidential adviser sparred with Wolf Blitzer during a wide-ranging and heated interview on The Situation Room. But one question lingered beyond the politics. Viewers took to social media to ask: What happened to Stephen Miller's hair?

Read more: Michael Avenatti mocks Stephen Miller's "spray-on" hair

The staunch conservative was widely mocked after appearing on CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, sporting a new crop of hair. Actor Jim Carrey, for example, blasted the newly-hirsute adviser on Twitter, sharing a cartoon with the comment: "Stephen Miller: Paint for Hair, Shit for Brains."

His freshly hairless CNN appearance inspired a new round of online mockery Thursday. Political commentator Ana Navarro summed up the mood, tweeting: "Stephen Miller is ranting incoherently on @wolfblitzer's show, defending the shutdown for the wall. The only real question is, what's his hair or lack-thereof like he sporting painted-hair-by-numbers?"

"[Stephen Miller] was back on TV tonight. This time with a Brazilian…" tweeted writer Andy Ostroy, who later shared a limerick inspired by the political pundit's changing style.

"Stephen Miller is always workin'/ Even when sportin' a merkin/ But a new Brazilian wax / Brought out fresh new attacks/ 'Cause #Trump's mushroom he's still a-jerkin," Ostroy wrote.

Hair restoration experts criticized the quality of Miller's prior scalp treatment. "I feel sorry for him because it's demoralizing. I've seen clients (after bad hair jobs) who are clinically depressed like it's a cancer," Keith Durante from Manhattan's Ash Center told The New York Daily News.

"There's a price that should be paid. Who did this to him?" he asked. "Who gave him the green light to go on TV like that?"

Beyond his ever-changing coiffure, viewers criticized Miller for his aggressive tone during the interview. At one point, Blitzer even asked the adviser to calm down, saying, "We don't have to yell."

"Almost shouting, Stephen Miller with Wolf now on @CNNSitRoom defending Trump Syria plan. "ISIS has been defeated," CNN's Jim Acosta remarked on Twitter.

Almost shouting, Stephen Miller with Wolf now on @CNNSitRoom defending Trump Syria plan. "ISIS has been defeated."

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) December 20, 2018

Other social media users expressed concern Miller was representing the White House at all. "He's a liar about Russia and ISIS and Assad, and what security is. He's a danger to our nation," wrote user Molly McKew.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-03-10